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Trust Your Face To An Expert, Trust Your Face To A Facial Plastic Surgeon

Resource Center

New Patient Forms

New Patient Information

Name *
Date *
Birth Date
Gender  Male Female

Select a country:


Email *
Home Phone *
Work Phone
Mobile Phone *

Preferred contact * Home Work Cell Other

How did you hear about us?

May we:







Place of Employment

Person to contact in case of emergency *

Relationship *
Home Phone *
Work Phone
Mobile Phone *

Patient Financial Responsibility


I accept financial responsibility for any products or services rendered by any employee of Rejuvenis Facial Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Spa. If it becomes necessary for Rejuvenis Medical Spa to pursue collections, I agree to be responsible for any costs associated with collection, including, but not limited to court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. I further understand that there is a $27.50 fee for any returned check.

Please understand that when you do not cancel an appointment you are unable to keep, it may prevent other patients from receiving care. You must notify our office 48 hours before your appointment if you need to cancel. We understand that there will be situations that involve medical emergencies or that are weather related.

I understand that failure to cancel 48 hours before my appointment will result in either the following charges applied to my credit card that is on file at the time I made my appointment or scheduling deposit applied to my appointment will be forfeited. Should the credit card transaction be declined or you don’t have my credit card on file, I will receive a statement. I further understand that these fees cannot be billed to my insurance carrier and must be paid before any new appointments can be made for me. Continued no-show/ no call or habitual cancellations may result in my dismissal from your practice. I understand that medical care will not be withheld in the event of an emergency.

Fees for No Shows: $250 Consultation or office procedures with Dr. Russo, $150 injectable appointment (Botox and/or Filler), and $50 Medical Spa Consultation , $250 for Spa laser procedure or Coolsculpting appointment. In the event your account is past due, it may be turned over to a collection agency. If your account is not paid in full and this account is turned over to a collection agency and/or attorney, then you agree be responsible for all fees necessary for the collection of the delinquent account including, but not limited to, collection agency fees of 50% of the balance due and costs and attorney’s fee of 33% the balance.

Electronic Signature * Date: *

Historical Data Sheet


Are you interested in surgical procedures? If yes, please check appropriate boxes. Rhinoplasty (nose) Lip enhancement Forehead lift Protruding ears Lower Eyelids Earlobe Reduction Upper Eyelids Earlobe Repair Face or Neck Lift Laser Skin Resurfacing Chin Implant Scar Revision Cheek enhancement Skin Cancer Neck and/or Jawline Liposuction Removal of cysts, moles, etc


Have you consulted another doctor in regards to this type of surgical procedure? Yes No

Are you interested in non-surgical procedure(s)? If yes, please check appropriate boxes. Botox Cosmetic or Dysport  Injectable Filler Ultherapy Laser Treatments Chemical Peels Customized Facial Laser Hair Removal Skin Care Products CoolSculpting Mineral Make-up 


Are you allergic to Latex?* Yes No

Any known drug allergies?* Yes No

Primary Physician Information



If considering surgery, may we notify him/her of your visit or upcoming surgery? Yes No

Have you ever or are you currently being treated by a psychiatrist or psychologist? Yes No



Use Nicorette/Nicotine patches? Yes No

Take aspirin regularly? Yes No

Caffeinated Drinks: Yes No



Are you currently or have you ever been treated or diagnosed for any of the following? (Please mark all that apply).

Check All That Apply Rheumatic Heart Thyroid disorder/ Goiter Diabetes Poor circulation Heart murmr Angina/Chest pain Heart attack High Blood pressure Stroke Headaches/Migraines Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia Latex allergy Cold Sores/Fever blisters Kidney Disease Asthma Hay fever/ Nasal allergies Lung/Chest problems Hernia Ulcers Arthritis Lupus/ Scleroderma HIV/AIDS Gall bladder disorders Depression Nervous breakdown Psychiatric or “nerve” problems Seizures/ Convulsions Anemia Bleeding tendencies Scarring Staph Infection Vision changes Eye problems Skin Conditions (irritation/rashes/infections) Alcohol Recreational Drugs Paralysis/ Numb Bell’s Palsy Easy Bruising Fibrocystic disease

 Yes No




Do you have any other medical problems that have not been covered? Yes No



 Yes No

If so, please describe:

 Yes No

If stopped, when?



 Yes No

 Yes No



Confidiential Record:

Information contained here will not be released except when you have authorized us to do so. Please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge. The information provided by you will be used by your doctor in making decisions regarding your care.

I authorize my physician and/or administrative and clinical staff to telephone or otherwise contact me (or the responsible party) regarding appointments, treatment information, or any other details related to patient therapy and treatment.

Electronic Signature: * Date:*


Informed Consent for Patient Computer Imaging




In the course of consultation and discussions with certified medical professionals, I may have been shown or may be shown or provided certain brochures, pictures of actual patients or pictures on an electronic computer imaging device. I do understand that those pictures and alteration of these pictures seen are solely for the purpose of illustration, discussion, and to provide improved communication with medical professionals. I do understand that the outcome of any type of surgical procedure is directly related to my individual characteristics and health. I further understand and acknowledge that because of the obvious significant differences in how living tissues react to surgery, there may be no relationship between the electronic images created, and my actual final surgical result. Use of the computer imaging system offers an opportunity for me to discuss my desires and to allow improved communication with the medical staff.

I certify my understanding that there is no warranty, expressed or suggested, as to my own final appearance after elective surgery by the use of these electronically altered images.

I hereby grant permission and the unrestricted right for the use of any illustrations, photographs or imaging records created in my case for general information, education, public relations purposes, use in scientific and professional journals and presentations at any time during or after treatment, with complete confidentiality of my identity.

I acknowledge that I relinquish all rights, title, and interest in these photographs and/or images, or any right to profit or gain directly or indirectly realized through the use of the photographs/images.

I further certify that this consent can only be revoked in writing and delivered to the physician and will not automatically expire or be revoked by implication. Such revocation shall thereafter be effective as to any further use not already committed to by the physician. Unless earlier revoked, this authorization will expire on the end of the treating physician’s practice of facial and reconstructive surgery, except there will be no expiration for
the purpose of medical or scientific research. Revocation will not affect uses and disclosures made before receipt of the revocation. If the photographs are disclosed, there is obviously potential for re-disclosure some of which would not be subject to this authorization. This authorization is in consideration of services performed and consultations conducted or to be performed or conducted by the physician, and there have been no representations or inducements concerning this authorization except as set forth herein. The treating physician will not condition treatment on whether the individual signs this authorization, but, if any portion of the treating physician’s services is to be covered under any insurance or third-party payment plan, the signing individual will be responsible for authorizing release as required by that insurance or third-party payment plan.

Photo Permission  Yes No

Electronic Signature: * Date:*



Notice of Privacy Practices

The Federal Government published a rule regarding the privacy of protected health information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) established privacy standards that govern organizations like Rejuvenis Facial Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Spa. Rejuvenis Facial Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Spa uses health information for treatment, to obtain payment for treatment, for administrative purposes and to evaluate the quality of care that you receive.

This notice describes how health information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. If you have any questions about something in this notice please ask the receptionist.



Our Legal Duty


We are required by applicable federal and state law to maintain the privacy of your health information. We are also required to give you this Notice about our privacy practices, legal duties, and your rights concerning your health information. We must follow the privacy practices that are described in this Notice while it is in effect. This Notice takes effect 4/14/2003.

We reserve the right to change our privacy practices and the terms of this Notice at any time, provided such changes are permitted by law. We reserve the right to make the changes in our privacy practices and the new terms of our Notice effective for all health information that we maintain, including health information we created or received before we made the changes. Before we make a significant change in our privacy practices, we will change this Notice and make the new Notice available upon request.



Uses and Disclosures of Health Information


We use and disclose health information about you for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. For example:

Treatment: We may use your medical information to provide you with medical treatment or services. We may disclose your medical information to other physicians who are also caring for you.

Payment: We may use or disclose your health information to obtain payment for services we provide to you. Healthcare Operations: We may use or disclose your medical information for office operations. These uses and disclosures are necessary to run the office and make sure that all our patients receive quality care. This means we may use your medical information to review the treatment and care you receive from our staff.

Appointment Reminders, Results, and Statements: We may use or disclose your healthcare information to provide you with appointment reminders, test and pathology results and statements as long as they are marked personal and confidential. We may send postcards and leave messages at your home and on your answering machine.

Required by Law: We may use or disclose your health information when we are required to do so by law. Abuse or Neglect: We may disclose your health information to appropriate authorities if we reasonably believe that you are a possible victim of other crimes. We may disclose your health information to the extent necessary to avert a serious threat to your health or safety or the health or safety of others. National Security: We may disclose to military authorities the health information of Armed Forces personnel under certain circumstances. We may disclose to authorized federal official health information required for lawful intelligence, counterintelligence, and other national security activities. We may disclose to a correctional institution or law enforcement official having lawful custody of protected health information of inmate or patient under certain circumstances



Rejuvenis Facial Cosmetic Surgery & Medial Spa are required by law to notify you of our privacy practices. This document serves as our notice to you. To acknowledge that you have received this notice please sign this form and return it to the office.

Electronic Signature of Patient or Legal Guardian * Date:*



Please complete this section if you are over the age of 18 or an emancipated minor and would like the staff of Rejuvenis Facial Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Spa to discuss any aspect of your medical treatment with the persons below (includes spouse, parents, children, significant other, etc.). Otherwise, we will only be able to speak with you about your lab or pathology results or other health issues or questions.

Authorized Name


About author - Dr. Russo

Dr. Russo

Dr. Russo is the founder of Rejuvenis Med Spa. He developed a passion for lasers, fillers, and other non-cosmetic treatments during his over 30 years of practice in Champaign-Urbana. He started his career after completing an AAFPRS fellowship in Facial Plastic Surgery. After many years of managing a busy surgical practice and med spa, Dr. Russo focuses his interest and practice on non and minimally-invasive facial and skin rejuvenation. Visit Rejuvenis Beauty today for experienced care in health, beauty, and wellness!

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